Coffee on the deck with my favorite cup shared with a spring moon. The lake has a nice layer of mist on it… Making the music from the deck speakers ethereal.
A life less Ordinary…
Coffee on the deck with my favorite cup shared with a spring moon. The lake has a nice layer of mist on it… Making the music from the deck speakers ethereal.
Rassy decided to join me at the BBQ and was a little curious about what I was drinking… Old Rasputin…
The Mendocino complex fire burned through the ranch pretty hard. There were a lot of large trees killed in the fire that are perfect for milling into lumber for use on the ranch.
My helper “Skrit” is keeping an eye on me while I make my repairs.
There are several ponds on the ranch. This one is on the road above the house. “Duke” loves chasing the newts when we take our walks… Fortunately they are quicker than he is! He does well bringing back sticks though!
Rassy is a great eater. He starts his day with ten ounces of goat milk replacement. By the end of the day he has consumed at least 36 ounces.
Some of that milk comes from his mother, Daisy. I milk her at least once a day.
I take Rassy out to be with Daisy when I am feeding and milking. She has expressed little to no interest in him. Fortunately Rassy gets mother’s milk anyway!
Rassy’s bed during the day is where he can stay the warmest! Leo the cat is not pleased he got bumped out of the spot he claimed first…
Guess I just became one of those folks that puts goats in pajamas… Well, to be honest my daughter picked out the outfit.
Rassy continues to gain weight and has become more agile on his feet. Not bad for a goat that couldn’t stand 6 days ago!
Rassy is learning there are all sorts of new experiences outside of the little pen he sleeps in. House cats are something he has approached with trepidation… until he learned that they will run and he can chase them! So now when he is wandering about the house the cats keep an eye out for him.
Rassy the house goat saying HI!
Rassy has made himself at home here in the house. He sleeps in a cat bed in an old dog kennel we moved into the living room. We have been feeding him a combination of powdered goat milk and mother’s milk.
Goats are pretty vocal and Rassy is happy to exercise his lungs! He is starting to respond to his name and happily skips across the floor to whoever is calling him. Such an improvement from his first days when he could not even stand!